Monday, 1 September 2014

Blogtember challenge!

Evening, this is rather late and not a good start is it?! I have been meaning to do this post all day but just haven't got around to do it. I've been sorting uniform out and bags and packing lunch, ready and all organised for tomorrow! I'm trying out the Blogger app on my iPad so if it turns out rubbish I do apologise and I'll do it on the PC next time!

So the #blogtemberchallenge can be found: 

It basically means I will be (fingers crossed!) be blogging everyday for the month of September. I will try my best to bring you good quality posts- they will be a mixture of the ideas on the list from the challenge and my own posts. I think this will bring more of my own ideas to the challenge. Plus I have got some very exciting new products to show you, one of which is all the way from America! - more on that in a couple of weeks. 

Hopefully the challenge will get me into blogging more regularly at the end and I'll get into more of a routine of when I'll be posting. I'm planning on doing a mixture of posts so they will be different and interesting- some will be chatty/ life related and others will be a specific topic or product (beauty/fashion) related. Also I thought it would be the perfect time to put more into blogging as my son is starting school tomorrow it will give me something to focus on over the next month. 

If you would like to join in will the challenge please follow the link above on my home page there is a button to the post. It's really relaxed so don't worry if you can't do every day, it's just about having fun and chatting to more bloggers- use the the hash tag #blogtemberchallenge to keep up with how others are doing with the challenge too! 

So please join me on this little adventure whether you're reading or writing, I hope you enjoy my posts, I've got lots planned! 

Thank you for reading,



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